Frame Supreme Laser Etching Customize Laser Etching Customize Black Lettering Two Hole Slim Version Chrome Polish Mirror License Plate Frame T304 Stainless Steel + Metal Screw Caps



Laser Etched Customize License Plate Frame
The top grade T304 Stainless Steel, 1mm Thick, 8k steam polish front and back, come with screw cap in metal not plastic
Size: 12.25 x 6.5 x 1/8 inch, inside area 11″ x 4.5″ Fit all USA standard license plate frame
8k steam hand polish stainless steel mirror finish surface

Frame Supreme Laser Etching Customize Laser Etching Customize Black Lettering Two Hole Slim Version Chrome Polish Mirror License Plate Frame T304 Stainless Steel + Metal Screw Caps